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Thursday, March 6, 2025


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An Esoteric Insight

After the death of his father Parzival lives his childhood under the control of his mother Herezeloyde. But one day he meets 4 knights. He then designs his orientation to become a knight. Thus he joins Artus with whom he hopes to realize his deep desire.

Parzival meets his cousin Sigune on his way. He left it to find Lady Jeschute after a fierce fight.
It is Gawan who brings Perzival back to Artus, who admits him around the round table.
Parzival will take center stage. by replacing Gawan he avoids him a perilous fight.
For Parzival the end of the quest for the grail is approaching. The decisive fight that Parzival will have to lead will oppose him to Feirefig. The confrontation will end in joy, because they are two brothers.
A great hope animates Parzival because on the way to free Anfortas he finally realizes his mission and becomes the new King of the Grail.
The Grail, an ever-present symbol of a human quest buried in everyone since the beginning of time.
The symbolism of the Grail has been present in the collective memory of this world since the first moments of the fall of the divinity. The quest for the Grail contains 2 complementary aspects inherent in the human condition, a first which relates to the memory of the true nobility of man from the beginning and a second which relates to the path to be traveled by those who want to rediscover this original glory. . The Grail today is still synonymous with power and immortality.

At the beginning of the 1200s, through this royal initiation of Parzival, Mr Eschenbach reveals, to those who accept the keys to reading that he offers from the first lines of his work, the journey of a candidate for the mysteries such as the lived the Cathars, Templars and Rose-Croix of the time.

The genealogy of the character of Parzival takes an important place at the beginning of the work and this on two levels, one mythical and the other historical.

On a mythical level,
Mr. Eschenbach places Parzival as coming from a royal line. Parzival will remember his loyalty present in his blood and the call of the Origin will, as for Gamuret his father, launch him into the Quest.

It must be taken into account that Mr Echenbach locates the origin of Gamurt, father of Parzival in Anjou .. Beyond an opinion that I can give on the angle proposed by a specialist Mrs Berthelot of the literature of the Middle Ages , I found in the publications of this professor of the encouraging elements on the bottom.
If we look back over the centuries at the story behind the story, it probably appears that the initiatory societies that worked in the royal courts made knowledge of the mysteries travel through certified chroniclers.
The Anjou family, the Plantagenets obviously presided over the development of initiation according to a model that came to light at the time of the rebirth and more particularly in Italian circles of love.
Some important points:

First of all, Parzival of royal origin is raised by his mother who wishes to protect him from the difficulties and traps of the world. Then he meets knights and also aspires to become a knight. He is heading to the court of King Artus to be knighted. His journey is made of successive encounters which mark the stages of his initiation. The meeting of the sinner King, Anfortas, the meeting of Sigune, the scene of the three drops of blood in the snow, nostalgia for condwiramur. The different fights that Parzival must lead, the one against Gawan, the best knight on earth, then the one against Feirefiz, the greatest Prince of this world. Then follow other adventures and encounters, that of Trevizent, then that of Cundrie, the Magician,……….
Later come: the healing of Anfortas, the union of Parzival with Condwiramurs. And finally the arrival at Montsalvaech, the goal of the Quest. And to resume, here we are when Parzival kills Ither, in order to put on his armor of gold and silver. Who is Ither, esotericists will see little in this character the symbol of the manifestation of the original man who sees himself stripped of his soul as soon as he falls into this world. And like Parzival who kills Ither near the court of Artus to put on his armor, it is possible that through the meeting of Parzival and Ither is presented here all the problems of a candidate in pass to enter a school of mysteries.
Parzival longs for only one thing to put on the armor of immortality and invincibility, this body of Gold and Silver.

When the seeker is ready, the teaching unfolds. Understanding is born. And the candidate can then tap into the inner source of knowledge. First-hand knowledge is presented to him. Also during the initiation of which he cannot share the secrets, the valiant receives all the historical, philosophical and behavioral aspects useful to his progress.

 We were making our way to the Rila Mountains, where we were visiting the Rila Monastery.

We wandered the site with busloads of other tourists, yet strangely the place did not seem crowded. I’m not sure if it was the sheer size of the place, or whether the masses congregated in one area and didn’t venture far from the main church, but I didn’t feel overwhelmed by tourists in the monastery.

Headed over Lions Bridge and made our way to the Sofia Synagogue, then sheltered in the Central Market Hall until the recurrent (but short-lived) mid-afternoon rain passed.

Feeling refreshed after an espresso, we walked a short distance to the small but welcoming Banya Bashi Mosque, then descended into the ancient Serdica complex.

We were exhausted after a long day of travel, so we headed back to the hotel and crashed. I had low expectations about Sofia as a city, but after the walking tour I absolutely loved the place. This was an easy city to navigate, and it was a beautiful city despite its ugly, staunch and stolid communist-built surrounds. Sofia has a very average facade as you enter the city, but once you lose yourself in the old town area, everything changes.

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